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Anaesthetic departmental teaching is held weekly in the Anaesthetic Library. The programme is organised by Dr Ranil Soysa and follows a weekly theme led by one of the Anaesthetic consultants.

The day teaching falls on & whether it is AM/PM varies so that the consultant leading is on a non-clinical day and that one particular list is not always missed because of teaching. Please check your emails for the dates and your teaching allocation.


A typical session plan would be:

1st hour consultant-led teaching aimed at ST5+ level. The registrars can then return to lists if that is more educational for them.

2nd hour is trainee-led teaching and is more exam focussed. Three trainees will usually present on a topic each.

Trainees are allocated to present at a teaching session based on CLWrota availability. If there are any issues notify Dr Soysa as soon as you can (at least 2wks notice). Swap days amongst yourselves (as if it were an on-call) if necessary.



Regional Anaesthesia Passport

We offer a regional anaesthesia training program run by Dr Boyne Bellew, Dr Alex Wickham & Dr Ranil Soysa. The program is also available at Charing Cross Hospital.

The course is divided into modules, Modules 1 and 2 are mandatory.  People can then choose to do Modules 3/4/5/6 and because it is a modular system if you don’t finish you can do the other modules at CXH/SMH when you rotate through Imperial again.  Everything is mapped to the RCOA curriculum and can facilitate sign offs for trainees and CPD points for Consultants who wish to attend.


Regional Anaesthesia Passport – Course

Module 1 – Ultrasound equipment & basics

Module 2 – Ultrasound vascular access (Self-study)

Module 3 – Ultrasound Guided Regional Anaesthesia UL (Axillary)

Module 4 – Ultrasound Guided Regional Anaesthesia LL (Popliteal)

Module 5 –Ultrasound Guided Regional Anaesthesia UL2 (Interscalene)

Module 6 – Ultrasound Guided Regional Anaesthesia LL2 (Femoral)


The sessions will be during working hours or after hours depending on your arrangements with the instructor.  Each module is about 40 minutes.

How to book sessions: you will need to contact the instructors the week before on Thursday or Friday to ascertain what sessions we have available for the next week.  Due to social distancing guidelines we limit how many attend each session.


Other teaching opportunities at St Mary's


There is a weekly education email sent out to the department highlighting upcoming educational events & includes links to join the online meetings.


  • Trauma meeting Thursdays 12:45 – 14:00 (held virtually, see weekly education email for link)
  • Departmental audit half day every 2mths (please contact Dr Jenny Illingworth if you would like to present)
  • Obs Med teaching Wednesdays 08:00 (held virtually, see weekly education email for link)
  • Grand rounds in the Cockburn (“Coe-burn”) lecture theatre (held virtually, recordings available after meeting)
  • Simulation opportunities: contact Dr Sadie Syed
  • Trauma Team Leader & Trauma Team Member courses (to return in the Autumn)